Jul 26, 2012

Make your own Necklace

So, I have been getting emails from a few people not finding the necklace from this post at H&M. In Norway they still have them (checked it out yesterday. I know, very Mother Theresa of me) but I'll show you a way to DIY it, that way you'll find it in every country, YAY :)
So you can actually buy those little plastic circles that my necklace is made from, they have a "space"/opening in them, so you can add them to each other. I found them in every single color on etsy (which was the point of this post), but now I can't find them back so please let me know if you do (and I'll keep looking and keep you posted). I love the neon orange/ gold of mine, but find a color combo you like, and get started.

So the trick with this is that each circle loop call it whatever, is attached to two others, not one. That is how you get that dense look (if thats what you want anyway). If not, a longer, looser one can also be super cute!
Soooooooooo, you have one piece (1.) then you add another (2) one to that. When you add your third you attach it to circle 1 and 2. then for the 4th you add that to circle 2 and 3 and so on (If this is hard let me know and ill post a tutorial for it).

Perfect for adding some personality to your business casual!

This is strictly on a need to know basis (and that's why I decided to share it with the whole internett). But the reason why I am laughing my ass off and looking down, is that when I looked right at the camera my sister could see her half naked (mid tanning session) bootey in my classes, which was extremely funny! I was not allowed to use any of those pic's............ :)

Jul 24, 2012

Lock the Friendship Bracelet

Holly Crap, who let me loose on the socialmedia scene?? I have already told you about my twitter obsession (after I joined last week, I know totally last century of me to wait), BUT go figure I should'nt be allowed in social media public. Today I (definitely not on purpose) challenged one of my very fav baking bloggers to a bake off, yaiks! Check out Bridget's amazing blog here, and understand why a bake off with this pretty baker would not be a great idea (unless you are really into loosing, which I am definitely not).

Like I have said before, I have a hard time making friendship bracelets, not because I dont love love love them, but because they are SO time consuming. Thats why I made these once with a lock so I can take them on and off, YAY! For my fav friendship bracelet tutorial, check this out.

After following the tutorial I ended the bracelet by making the end square. (Do you see how I didnt do the last the mint floss all the way to the center? This is how you do it.)

Divide the loose strings in the center and braid them in to separate braids, when you have braided about 1cm on each side, merge them making it into one braid. Keep braiding for your desired length and tie off.

On the opposite side of the bracelet, braid the lengt for the bracelet to fit your wrist and tie on the button.

TATA, a reusable (glam'ed up with a tad of gold) friendship bracelet!

Jul 23, 2012

Bracelet Love

Soooo, I should totally make a posting schedule shouldn't I? Well, the reason why I havent is that I feel like a flake if I write something on monday and post it on friday as if whatever written happened "today". Do you guys know what I mean? I mean some days I have so much energy and can write posts coming out East, Left and Center (Jen loves my take on this english expression, and I miss her hence adding it for kicks), but other days I barely have enough to get me through the day. The blog is my excess energy outlet but what about the days that feel like a luke warm Starbucks de-caf latteHow do you deal with it, please add some thoughts on the subject below or twitter @katrinesorum.

The other day I was making some bracelets following a tutorial from Henry Happened. I have written about her great tutorials before (Ps. I'v been a guest ), and these look so good and really take no time at all, for the complete tutorial, check it out here.

For the center one (gold beads) I used some fishing line and braided in just cause my beads didn't fit on the purple line. 

 Perfect for your everyday I have 6 beads, some string, 5 min and want a bracelet kind of moment.

Jul 18, 2012

Weekend Recap

Lately my posting schedule has been on a mix of Crack, Sleeping pills and Ritalin, needless to say.. not the best combo. Between changing jobs, (exciting) projects, summer vaca and just plain enjoying the sun, its been hard (aka not happening) to post on my normal rate. But know that I am working on some great project, both DIY and blog wise that I hope you will enjoy when time comes. Woop woop!

This weekend I spent some much needed quality time with some of my best friends! I seriously cant remember the last time I laughed this much! Hope you enjoy the Instragram pix:

PS. The bright necklace is only $10 at H&M!!

Jul 13, 2012

Fabulous Friday

This weekend I am leaving for a cottage trip, and I am beyond excited! And as much as I am excited for the cottage trip (it includes various concert at a festival the next town over) I am so excited for the car trip down. I havent had much time to spare to hang out with one of my best friends lately and the car ride down its just her me and the stereo! You know you have found a friend for life when even 2 hours in a car sounds like the time of your life! 

With my new job and various summer activities and cottage trips there havent been time for a lot of crafting lately. But what I have been getting plenty of is pre bed time inspiration hunting on the web.!

How cool are these new J.Crew necklaces? They are by the design/artist duo OGJM, their stuff is amazing!
You can get the real deal here, but I will definitly look for some bigger macrame tutorials and give it a DIY try as well! 

Have a great weekend, I will be thinking of you all when im sipping wine on the dock listening to a fab concert! :)

Jul 12, 2012

Shoe Inspiration

Nothing like summer and capri's to get my mind focused on shoes. Now that we (in Norway) dont have to wear our heels as ice spikes (yup it does work) its time to take your most fabulous  creations out for a walk.

How fun and colorful are these shoes? And what an easy DIY, get out your pompom ribbon and a glue gun and make your own!

Diamond heels have been my one of my weaknesses ever since I started buying my own shoes! 
I saw these Zara once (that are now one sale, WOHO) in Paris this easter, and it just reminded me of how much I love it. Keep the glue gun from your pom pom project warm and add some rhinestones to your heels while your at it! 

Jul 10, 2012

5 min Shamballa Bracelet

First of I just have to say thank you!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you to everyone reading my blog! You are all amazing! Yesterday I turned my first 500 GFC followers and I was so happy!! YAY!!! After getting twitter (man I love that thing so much) as well, its been so nice to say Hi to a few of you, it rocks my world to see your make it & fake it creations. Feel free to send me more @katrinesorum.  (I have also been getting some really great ones by email, thank you for showing me! you guys are so good!!)

A while back I was a guest of the talented Carly of Chick Steals, if you haven't seen it yet (what???? :) ) you should check it out here. Now, over to today's DIY. The one I made for Chick Steals is one of my fav DIY's, but some times you just don't have the time to set aside an hour to get it right, SO this bracelet will give you sort of the same look, but only take you 5min.

You will need string/cord/wire thin enough to get trough your beads, about 17 beads 10mm wide, two smaller beads to add to the ends of your string, and some cotton string scraps for the lock.

1. Tie a knot at the end of your thin string, add one end bead, tie a knot to seal the bead. Then tie another knot 2.5 inch from the end bead. 
2. Add all your beads. 
3. Repeat step 1, but in reverse (seal with knot, then add and secure your end bead in place)
4. Make a macrame lock following this tutorial

Hope you love it! Let me know how it goes (*tweet tweet*) (oh god, I'm obsessed) 

Jul 7, 2012

Better with Color

If you have been reading my blog you know that last year I bought an apartment, but as a building project so its yet to be finished. Its supposed to be done Q4 this year, so I am alllll about the Ikea hacks, paint testers house updates these days! 
Right now I am living in the apartment in the basement of my parents house, spending my weekends trying out different decoration ideas for "the real apartment" :) 
I am testing out different pinks for a bright addition to my (soon to be done) place (check out this inspiration post), here I'm testing the paint on the coat hanger!


You need: Some paint (the brighter the better is my go), a paint brush, a paint can opener, and something to paint! I had the lovely people at the paint store mix me the brightest pink they could make.
The NCS code for it is on the top of the can if you like it :)


Adore adore adore adore adore!!! I might just bring this with me to my apartment when its done :) 

Jul 3, 2012

Dezso Inspired Friendship Bracelet

Do you guys remember my post about the fab Dezso jewelry?
Well, they have been on my mind so much that I just had to take the time to sit down and make it! I normally dread the typical friendship bracelets.. I love them and all, but theres just too much time that has to be set aside just to make one single one! (... impatient... me? :) )
Well anyway, I found the time to do it and im so happy I did! So hope you enjoy this version of the popular friendship bracelets! :)

You will need some thick cotton string, (to make the same width you need 6 strings, each 160cm long) a jump ring, a charm and a button. (plusss some patience and extra time) 
I started by folding all my strings double and tying them in a knot that would match the size of my button (aka, not to big and not to small)
I just started by making a friendship bracelet, I really love this tutorial if you dont already know how to make one. Then I tied all the loose ends together with the one next to it and added added some clear nail polish to seal the ends. Tie your button the the center two strings and cut all the ends off. Add the jump ring and then the charm to the jump ring! Easy as that!!

Hope all you americans are loading up with some extra sleep for tomorrows celebration! 

Jul 1, 2012

Sister Sunday

4th of July is coming up :)

Hello everyone!

I know we are jumping the gun a little, but we just wanted to show you this simple and easy 4th of July cake in time for you to get all the ingredients.

Make your favorite chocolate cake.
Decorate with raspberries, blueberries, cut up strawberries, and whipped cream. 
So quick and easy that you'll have all day to relax and celebrate.

love K