Dec 7, 2012

Just Breathe

Yesterday I found out that I needed to go to Singapore with work...... Tomorrow!!! 
SO today I am in Singapore! :)

When I left Norway we had -15C and here its +30, I can with 100% certainty say that i prefer the later! What is really freaking me out though is all the Christmas decorations.. its surely too warm to be Christmas, no?! haha :) 

Anyway, I am so glad I dont have a house to prep for the holidays and thankfully all my present shopping was done in NYC a few weeks back! So im just winging it and enjoying the warm temperatures! 



  1. Quelle chance de bénéficier de telles températures !... Ici en France, le froid s'installe avec l'arrivée de l'hiver.
    Je n'ai pas encore commencé mes cadeaux de Noël... Donc contrairement à vous : emplettes + froid !

    Gros bisous

  2. Wow, that's not much notice! What a temp swing! Enjoy the warm weather!

  3. Enjoy, the cold temps will be waiting for your return!

  4. Wow. That is amazing! Greets to singapore... :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave some L.O.V.E. !
You guy's Rock!