Dec 4, 2011

DIY Cheetah nails

After ordering my Konad kit I am now officially hocked! Easy and super fun (especially compared to fumbling around with a toothpick!)

Eyeko jade green and Essie bermuda shorts


I ordered all my stuff of; a scraper and stamper from "EOS Beauty" (about $7) and plates from "Bundle monster"(around $20). The only annoying part, since they are bought from different traders I had to wait forever for the plates! (well, only 10 day longer, but I was super excited so it was hellish!)

(Frakten var ikke dyr (rundt $5 per pakke)  hver pakke er langt under 200kr, så det er ikke noe toll (YAY))

I also got the special polish from Konad, but after testing different types, I found that normal polish works just as well, and seing as you probably have a million just like me, it's way cheaper to stick with the ones you have!

(Bestilte lakkene fra konad for fant ingen på amazon som leverte til Norge, men som sagt... ikke verdt det! vanlig lakk er like bra!)

I searched youtube and found that this video was a great way to understand the concept!

It takes a few goes to get the hang of it, but after a few tries it's very easy (even made my Yummy mummy do it!).

Give it a go, and let us know! 



  1. Woot! This is great, can't wait to try that for myslef! Sooo cooool.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave some L.O.V.E. !
You guy's Rock!