Jan 8, 2012

DIY Ring's

How's the first week of the new year been for you all? I mean I for one have been swamped, but I guess it's better than being bored right? Sorry for the low posting frequency, but all the focus has been on figuring out the new design for the blog. I am overly happy and excited about the result (thank you secret santa! SW you are amazing, inspiring, and so helpful), but let me know what you think? In love??

Hvordan har den første uken i det nye året vært? For min del har den vært i overkant hektisk, men heller det enn motsatt. Har oppdatert designet på bloggen og fått en ny logo, jeg elsker den, enig? 
Jeg har allerede begynt å lengte mot vår, så synes det er herlig med litt knallfarger. I allefall på tilbehøret.

Keyring, embroidery yarn, rhinestones, needle.
Nøkkel ringer, broderi garn (15kr pr stk lappehuset på Bærums Verk) stener, nål.

Start with fastening the thread in the key ring (make sure they key rings are a little bit big since the thread will take up some space and make it smaller) start looping the thread around the key ring covering the metal. Then you have done it all the way around fasten it with a knot.

Begynn med å feste tråden i nøkkelringen, Begynn å surr tråden rundt nøkkelringen, pass på at du gjør det tett nok til å dekke over alt som er metall. Når du har kommet deg rundt hele fester du tråden, ikke klipp av, vi kan bruke enden til å sy på diamanten.

Make sure you only cut of one of the threads since we will use one to sew the rhinestone on. Sew on the rhinestone using a needle. Repeat with the second ring. For the third striped ring, you do the same thing, but you add both of the colored thread when you start, choose what color to start with, and make sure you loop the thread around covering also the other thread, when you have reached the desired with width color 1 switch, continue till the whole ring is covered.

Tre på nål og sy stenen fast i ringen. Gjenta hele prosessen for ring nr to. for ring nr tre gjentar man prosessen nesten helt likt, men man begynner  med begge trådene og bytter på hvem man bruker til å surre. Husk å surre rundt den tråden man ikke bruker så den blir gjemt.

And there you go, fun and glam rings to take you in to spring. (I know I am a bit early, but I am a summer kind of girl so all my energy is currently used to remember that spring will be here soon enough)  

Tata! let us know how it goes! 


  1. I love your little leopard print nails in this post and also your tory burch style backround!!



  2. Thank you Nico :) Isnt Tory Burch the best? i love that it reminds you of her! :)

    love K

  3. LOVE these Kat!! Great blog! LOVE IT! - Leslie Richardson

    1. Hi Leslie!!

      thank you for stoping by :)
      Aw, that makes me so happy, feel free to share the site if you know someone that might like it!
      Miss you guys!

      love K

  4. I never thought of using a key ring as a base for a ring! This opens up so many possibilities! I just found your blog through your comment on mine and Im so glad I did! I've loved scrolling through all your posts!


  5. I just found this and seriously am going to do this this weekend!!!! amazing tutorial!

  6. You've got some awesome ideas!I shared this post here on SocialBliss: http://www.socialbliss.com/lintvintage/dying-for-diy-GE2TQNBZ/make-it-and-fake-it-diy-ring-s-G44TANRS


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave some L.O.V.E. !
You guy's Rock!